Wednesday, December 12, 2007

And We Go On...

To win the stars, the kids have to earn them by hosting a party. They have an hour to cook, clean, and prepare for the "Bonanza City Bonanza."

-They must make pasta AND sauce, put together picnic tables, and bury all the trash.

The kids have to turn tomatoes into pasta and dough into spaghetti it's like some weird Double Dare competition. I hope the red haired girl making the sauce doesn't fall in...they might not be able to find her.

Hmm, that's weird...they completed one-third of the challenge in exactly one-third of the time. As they go to put the picnic tables together, someone (Blaine?) tells Mike that he "has no idea what (Mike) is doing down there. I'm sure Mike will hear that often in his life.

Morgan says she really helped because she's not afraid of the garbage...I mean she does have to look in the mirror everyday. Oh, snap!

They get everything done and ring the bell to end the challenge. Blaine and Greg even carry DK back to town because he hurt his leg.

Host Guy tells the kids that they're parents are coming and they shriek like it's a spice girls concert. Jesus.


Anonymous said...

Greg kissed his mom on the mouth

Anonymous said...

got some hot moms around and good thing DK's dad didn't see his boy be a bitch

Eric said...

way to show your dad how to do a car bomb

Anonymous said...

uh sweetie, where did you learn how to make that drink

Anonymous said...

looked like jared was pouring jager there

Anonymous said...

im tired of these "in my whole life" comments, talk to me after puberty

Anonymous said...

DK = Bitch

Unknown said...

Ha, that guy doing the 'bomb was definately reminiscing about his college days.

Anonymous said...

jared must be one of those super geniuses who go to college really really young aka doogie howser and so he learned in school how to make drinks

Anonymous said...

we finally saw the amazing folk that SPAWNED THE INCREDIBLE JARED! i can die happy now.

Anonymous said...

no comment on host guy screaming hurry while thrusting a gold star in the air?

Anonymous said...

milf's indeed