Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Host Guy brings out 3 HUGE gold stars worth 50,000 each. He has Alex pick one up to see how heavy they are...Alex isn't a douche this week. He doesn't claim that "it really isn't all that much money." Think he could melt it down and make a grill for his one tooth?

Commercial break 3, folks.


Anonymous said...

That just may be enough gold to cover that tusk.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

where the eff did they get that microwave? did i miss it all season or something?

Anonymous said...

keep up, lilu, they picked it over the pizza

Anonymous said...

tendons or sickle cell

Anonymous said...

what...BOOO no adults!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

you called it. parent time.

Anonymous said...

since when does DK have a "tendon" problem that pops up on day 40. By the way...I want to meet the elephant trainers.

Eric said...

dont hurt the bitty, the bitty loves you